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Don't Let the sun go down

The lights flash bright,

eyes wide in awe,

heart beats faster as the drop hits.

Bass Vibrating through my very soul.

Smile wide as if it’ll never end.

Feet move faster to see it all as the sun shines bright above.

No fear in sight till the Darkness starts to surrounds,

The music dies...

As tear drips down and the night closes in around me.

A Letter to Him,

Dear you,
Our love ruined me. I search for it in everyone only to end up running from all of them. I’ve been single for almost 4 years now.

I don’t know how to give myself 100% to someone the way I did you. How can I settle for less than that attraction, comfort, freeing, simple yet insane love that you showed me was possible.

The beautiful balance that was us. That shine that made every head turn when we walked into a room. The peace of sitting on the couch playing video games together or watching a movie. The sex that made the world just melt away.

I seem to be able to find one piece of that in different people But never that balance all in one. Your gone now. Miles away from me ruining your life the with the same things that ruined our relationship.

I question everyday if I made the right choice in leaving you and every time I hear your voice or see your face...

I know I did EXCEPT for that missing piece of me that you took with you.

When I hear how you’re doing my only thought is I’m grateful your still alive. I will keep trying to find that love again it’ll never be the same but my hope is it might turn out better.

The Artist

What is an artist?

Is it the color in their mind?

The music in their finger tips?

The words that flow through their lips?

An artist is a mind a mind of wonder.

A mind of suffer.

A mind of what ifs, how comes, what could bes.

A artist shows you things you need and want to see and hear.

The truth of an artist is even if it’s not what they see or hear it’s your eyes that make it art.

To sit in wonder, Watching them make such wonderful sounds or such amazing colors on the page.

We ask how can you do that?

We say I wish I could be an Artist.

But, we all are just by opening our eyes, ears, and heart.

A Dream

The vast night sky twinkled above in a magical way, as a pretty young woman strode down the eerily deserted road.

She is on a mission this dark windy night. She is in search of one person.

She has a huge secret held in her heart that she can no longer hold in. As she progressed forward she gazed up into the dark sky hoping for guidance.

Not because she believed some unseen god was there waiting to answer her prayers but because when she gazed up into that never ending sky above and witnesses the bright balls of gas shining bright and dim over head, she feels the whole universe swirl through her eyes and fills her body.

She can feel the earth guiding her feet in the direction she is headed. She was almost there. She could see him now leaning against a lamp post a few feet away, the receiver of her secret.

He stands there in his wrinkled t - shirt and blue jeans, hair a mess from the rough winds touch, and that adorable sideways smile. As she reaches him she let’s go of the breath she didn’t even know she was holding.

She looks him in his bright green eyes. The heart held secret tumbles from her lips….. “I love you” She whispered ending it with a kiss

It can never be

Just because I’m not with you, laying next to you when you close your eyes doesn’t mean I love you any less.

The distance between us kills me. I don’t know if you feel the same but you aren’t gone yet.

I talk to you more now that i'm miles away than when you were so close. I crave your touch and your smile.

My heart aches to hear your voice and feel your arms around me.

But that will never be and I’ll just keep going through life wondering if it was because of

you or me.

The girl that Never stays

You will meet her one day that girl who never stays.
She will show you a love that no one can ever compare
She will show you a world you never knew was there
She will come at the perfect time in your life and kiss your lips and touch the deepest parts of your soul.
But one day
You’ll wake up and she will be gone
But the empty room will still seems full
You will not be sad because you know you’ll see her again when the world seems to cold
She will float back in on a midnight breeze and show you again what you have forgotten
The love deep down that had been broken.


I want to scream and cry.
Does he notice the the dark clouds forming behind my eyes?
The rain that begins to pore down my cheeks onto his sleeve?
The silent scream of thunder that aches to be released?
The electricity that passes between us like a lightning strike?
Shaking my bones like an earthquake proving
That my love can tare the world apart for him 

In the end I will dwindle into a bright blue sky
He will be left standing high and fine in a world left of nothing without


Do You Notice?

In That moment That Quiet Moment when you’re laying in bed

everything is dark except the moons rays illuminating the bedroom window,

You begin to close your eyes, and you see his face. That smile that melts your soul into play-dough.

It brings a smile to your lips and a tear to your eye. You just want to be next to him to hear his voice

But, he is so far. Miles and Miles on a coast you call home.

It’s a sadness that creeps over you slow and steady 

You begin to wonder if he is laying in bed in the dark miles away thinking about you too or is he seeking the comfort of someone new.

The things he said before you had to drive away echoing in your your head beating in your heart. Wondering if it was real or a dream.

Was It all just Make believe?

If he still means it without you there to To be his queen.

Is you absence from his life even noticed? His is the black hole of happiness in yours

You know that you’re willing to fight for him,

he is worth it. He is your color in the darkness of the night.

The hidden smile

Do not judge, do not hate,

You never know the pain and suffering hidden behind a smile.

Behind that bright smile and kind face a world could be darker than you can even imagine

You do not understand another persons struggle unless you are going through their pain

I wish that pain on not even my worse enemy.

That dark cloud behind a bright smile can make or change a day.

I hope love and happiness will shine on all

 I know great pains in many forms and faces

 I wish that no soul feels the pains behind this smile.

To Stay or To Go

Its like that perfect sea shell a child catches as it washes ashore
Right there in his small fingers it lays for not more than a second

Before, The waves take it away.

Reaching and chasing ever so close but slowly watches it fade,

Into the deep sea, Forever lost to him.

As the tears roll down my face
I don’t know if I should hold you tight and let my heart break
Or to say good bye just like the child.

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